Proper brushing is vital to good oral health. Equally important is avoiding certain foods that are particularly damaging to appliances or extremely difficult to remove by brushing. Be sure to check after rinsing, and if your teeth and brackets are not clean and shining . . . .brush again.

  • Brush all your teeth and appliances thoroughly.
  • Stimulate your gums gently with a soft brush.
  • floss carefully around each tooth.

The following is a list of foods that must be avoided:

  • Hard Pretzels/Corn Chips/Taco Chips and Shells
  • Hard or Chewy Candy
  • Corn on the Cob
  • Hard Crusty Bread
  • Taffy/Caramels
  • Popcorn/Nuts

Non-foods to be avoided:

  • Ice
  • Pens/Pencils
  • Fingernails
  • Gum Of Any Kind

Be sure to cut up:

  • Raw Fruits/Vegetables
  • Bagels
  • Pizza Crust

Sweets should be kept to a minimum and eaten at mealtime.

Tip: Carry a travel toothbrush so you can brush no matter where you are. Rinse after eating if you are unable to brush. Schedule regular checkups with your dentist.

Pediatric Dental Center
Warren, MI
Dr. Shah, Dr. O’Riordan